Story Matching

Story Matching

StoryMatcher in a nutshell

How do people find their next job that’s meaningful to them?”

Search on the internet is not based on meaning, it is based on keywords.

If you need to match the desired future of person A with the desired success of manager B and their team, you need something that brings the two in a similarity so that we can bring them closer.

What could bring it together?

When they actually recruit each other is that they both share a story how they want to live with each other.

These stories have three beautiful features:

  • They contain our past
  • They contain what we tell about in the present
  • AND they contain our desired future

So person A will be hired by manager B and their team, because the StoryMatcher shows the similarity between each other’s desired future. It also shows a “Cultural Fit”.

What about dating?

The use case “Jobs” can be applied to another essential use case: Dating & Partnership. You can find your life partner with whom you share the same desired future. You get matched with people, that align with your current and future desire of a happy and healthy partnership.

The basic principle

For this to work, it's important to collect a variety of story sets. We have simplified, standardized and structured the process of generating different sets of stories. They correspond to more or less everything that people can experience at work (or partnership) at an archetypical, high meta level. They speak through a concretely told story so you can recognize yourself and the story that someone else has told.

“Stories express the match between people who intend the same or complementary future.”

When to use

Connecting members in a COMMUNITY

The match basically compares your choice of stories with the choices of stories of the other people in the same pot. The moment you have done your story selection you will meet not with everyone at the same level of congruence. Some people will be 90 percent similar and others might be well below 50. It is a suggested sequence how to make contact with other members from the community in case it you don't know them already yet. Often it is quite a challenge who to talk to first. The StoryMatcher gives you like a menu of contacts to begin with.

& whenever you are searching for …

  • a new job
  • a new partner
  • travel companions
  • living companions
  • fresh learning opportunities
  • something that you want to be meaningful to you

How to use

The StoryMatcher is a web feature on Shala.

Shala is a network built and owned by users through an open environment for co-creating solutions, fair systems for sharing value and social structure for organizing people.

Shala supports Storymatcher solutions to a broad set of users, and creating opportunities for users to co-create, cross-pollinate and invest in each other.

How do you use the StoryMatcher on Shala?

What you get

You will benefit from …

  • a personal story that describes your desired future
  • meaningful matches with interesting people and content
  • a powerful filter that increases the chances for you to make the right choices that lead you to your desired future
  • the possibility to connect with people and/or content that resonate with you anywhere in the world
  • a super-powered version of an onboarding process on any community platform helping you to connect with people that resonate with your inner voice.
"Telling stories is how humans make sense of the world. " - Yuval Noah Harari

Action: Join the Connections Circle on Shala

We would ask for your feedback in our experiment here whether that actually works that way. The worst thing that would happen is that you actually meet a few friends for life. So there is not much to lose.

All members of the Trusted Seed Community are invited to join the Connections Circle on the Shala network. Once you’ve completed Storymatcher, other connections who have also completed their storyline are dynamically scored based on their compatibility with your storyline. These connections are then displayed under 'Connections Matches’.

More info and resources

Experts in the community


Rainer von Leoprechting

When reengineering the recruitment process, I found a way to rapidly and intuitively connect people or people to jobs simply and fast. The basic concept: You share some of your lived or desired successes and we match them with the success desired from your future employer. Easy, isn't it? It is working right here in the StoryMatcher connections.

I was one of the founders of Frændi to accompany leaders in their ways to move in uncharted territory, finding new strategies and business models, ways of working and organising that feel more natural and inspirational.Based on O. Laske, Frændi and I offer precise observations to individuals and teams on where they are in their journey to practical wisdom at work. I also offer trainings on the matter.

We regularly lead interactive seminars in the Art of Hosting to support a self-authoring culture in organizations, maybe in yours. Leading in an engaging way; Participatory Meetings and Conventions; Strategy development and implementation; small and large scale organizational change and development.

I founded a community space in the beautiful Austrian countryside of South Styria. Digital nomads welcome for longer or shorter stays.


Roman Fernandez

If you want to cooperate more with the Shala network, please contact Roman -

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